NSI45030AT1GThe NSI45030AT1G is a linear constant Current Regulator designed to provide a cost effective solution for regulating current in LEDs (similar to constant current diode, CCD). The constant current regulator is based on self-biased transistor (SBT) technology and regulates current over a wide voltage range. It is designed with a negative temperature coefficient to protect LEDs from thermal runaway at extreme voltages and currents. The constant current regulator turns on immediately and is at 25% of regulation with only 0.5V Vak. It requires no external components allowing it to be designed as a high or low side regulator.
• Simple, economical and robust device
• High or low side control, simple battery charge
• Reduce LED binning and therefore inventory
Микросхемы / Драйверы и ключи / Драйверы, контроллеры LED, LCD, VFD
Корпус: SOD-123, инфо: LED DRIVER LINEAR SOD-123